2 reviews by Fred Phelps Sr...
Altered Beast

From: Fred Phelps Sr.
Comments: Freddy Jr.,please don't talk like that.I know that I used to feel the same way you do about homosexuals but now I understand that I am one myself.As a matter of fact I had a wonderful 3-way with a couple I met at that gay bar Weener's we used to protest at together last night!I let them fuck me me in the ass and mouth at the same time!Then I let them dip their balls into my mouth and shoot their hot loads in my wrinkly face!The whole experience was exhillarating!!!I don't know what problem God could possibly have with anal sex.Maybe He's in the closet a little himself.I'm sorry if any of what I'm saying makes you uncomfortable but I've seen the error of my ways and I want to make it up to you.I love you,son. Your Dad,Fred Phelps Sr.


Altered Beast

From: Fred Phelps Sr.
Comments: Freddy Jr.,please listen carefully.You are entitled to your own opinion and free to choose your own lifestyle as long as you don't hurt anyone else.That's what makes this country so great.I know that I still have that upside down American flag on our website but I have'nt gotten around to changing it yet(I've been busy enjoying MY new lifestyle).Would you like the government to ban anal sex altogether? That would'nt ruin just homosexual relationships but many heterosexual relationships as well. The point I'm trying to make is...I will respect your opinions and lifestyle choices as long as you respect other people's rights.That means NO MORE PROTESTING AT GAY MEN'S FUNERALS!Got that?If I catch you doing that I'll bitch slap you with that Bible you rub in everyone's face ;) Remember though that I'll always love you. Your Proudly Gay Dad,Fred Happy 4th of July Everyone!!!!
